75 Questions
Interesting people are interested.
Boom. It’s that simple.
I love to learn about other people but sometimes, we get stuck and default to “What do you do?” (read: what do you for a living? instead of asking what in this world lights you up?).
“Well Tori, I’m a …”
Doesn’t tell me who you are other than what you do.
We’ve all been in that awkward social situation when the other person or people don’t ask you anything about you. I recommend not being that person. I suggest having a tool box filled with questions. For three reasons:
It’s really cool to learn about other people and can open up a great conversation
Other people, for the most part, like to talk about themselves
You will be very interesting if you show you are interested
Keep these in your back pocket to help you get to know someone else. Whether you’re in a room full of strangers, playing cards, on a job interview, a lull in a dinner party, or simply interested in meeting someone to eat a bunch of caramels together, keep these at the ready. Read through them all, you may be surprised at your own answers, too.

Edmund Joseph Sullivan; Hostess: You know, my dear, the people round here are such snobs; 1932
Let’s roll!
1. Do you like to ride roller coasters?
2. What’s your superpower?
3. How do you feel about cockroaches?
4. Ocean or mountains?
5. If you were alone on a deserted island for a month and could only choose one article of clothing to have with you, what would it be and why?
6. Where were you born and where did you grow up?
7. Who is most important to you?
8. Do you drink out of glassware or plastic?
9. When do you prefer to exercise?
10. Lamb or beef? Chicken or sushi?
11. Coffee or tea? When?
12. Do you prefer the right side of the bed or the left? Sleep with PJs or naked? When do you go to sleep?
13. What is your favorite alcoholic drink when you’re at a party?
14. When’s the last time you made a sandcastle?
15. What ignites your soul to come alive? What is your greatest joy?
16. What is your irrational fear?
17. Do you talk during movies?
18. Name the part of your face you love the most.
19. Do you absolutely love all dogs?
20. Do you obey the speed limit? Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket? How many? How fast were you going?
21. What is the hardest thing you’ve been through and what did you learn from that experience? How did it help you grow?
22. What’s your perfect weather?
23. Gas fireplace or wood burning?
24. How do you typically handle stress?
25. What are your 3 least favorite characteristics in someone else?
26. What was the cause of the ending of your last relationship? What did you learn from your last relationship?
27. Do you know how to drive in the snow? Do you know how to drive a manual transmission?
28. When you die, are you going to have people wear all black and be sad at your funeral or be colorful, celebrate, and be merry?
29. If you could send a fortune cookie back to your 18-year-old self, what would it say?
30. What doesn’t make you laugh?
31. What is something you enjoy, but are ashamed to admit?
32. What’s the worst insult you’ve ever received? What’s the best compliment you’ve ever received?
33. Which famous person would you love to have knock on your door and profess undying love for you?
34. What is something that you don’t want to ask and you don’t want to know the answer to?
35. Have you ever lied to me, or anyone else recently?
36. If you could ask one question and be guaranteed honesty, what would you ask?
37. What piece of unethical research would you want to see the results of?
38. What were you doing when you last lost track of time?
39. What’s your favorite candy bar?
40. If you had to write a paragraph about your favorite smell, what would write?
41. What’s your vision and what are you actively calling in and dreaming into?
42. Were you named after someone? Who? Why?
43. What 3 songs do you love?
44. What is your favorite meal to prepare at home?
45. Would you consider having more than one cat?
46. Do you dance? What’s your favorite style?
47. What kind of food/ diet do you eat?
48. Have you ever seen a green flash? Where?
49. What was your most memorable meal?
50. What kind of architecture are you attracted to?
51. What is your relationship dream?
52. What’s your favorite kind of tree? Why?
53. Have you spent time in wilderness? Where?
54. What is your favorite memory from before you were ten years old?
55. Do you have any annual family traditions?
56. Name your past pets.
57. What do you do for a living but add: do you enjoy it? What made you choose that path? Do you see yourself staying in that field for awhile or finding a new one? Do you feel fulfilled in that area or do you see it as a means to an end?
58. What would you say is the most difficult thing about being with you?
59. What’s your favorite fast food restaurant?
60. What do you do for fun?
61. What do you do when you have a lot of free time?
62. Do you travel? Internationally?
63. What's your favorite thing to do alone?
64. What was your childhood dream? Was it realized?
65. What are your hobbies?
66. Do you watch Jeopardy or play Scrabble?
67. What's something that you secretly suspect you are wrong about but are too sure about to investigate?
68. Dumbest thing you've done to impress someone?
69. What have you done that you're not proud of? What is the most thoughtful gesture you have done?
70. Fake Christmas tree or real?
71. What is something you believe that other people think is crazy?
72. What is a habit you are trying to change? Working to cultivate?
73. How do you wake up in the morning? Do you have any practices or habits?
74. What is something that was embarrassing at the time that you now think is funny?
75. What would you do to show someone you like them?
I realize some of these questions may be answered with a simple “yes” or “no,” thus shutting down the potential to further the chat; however, you can always add in a “When, How, What, When…”
ex. “Exactly when was it that you learned that you didn’t like roller coasters?”
Good luck and have fun with this.
with love,
